Monday, July 2, 2012

Getting Oriented

Farm where we stayed in Iowa
It's amazing how much can be packed into a short period of time! On Saturday, June 23, I hitched a ride with a fellow TeachBeyond family from Arkansas to Minneapolis, Minnesota for TeachBeyond orientation. It was nice to get to know them better along the way. We stopped for the night in Iowa, and stayed with a family that lives on a farm that has been in the family for over a hundred years. They were very hospitable, and I enjoyed our short stay with them. On Sunday we arrived at Bethel University in Minneapolis where we all stayed for the week and had our meetings. We stayed in a dorm in suites, and it was great to get to meet all the lovely people who were there. I met probably about 100 new people! I'd been in contact with some of them already, especially staff, so it was nice to meet them in person after seeing their names on emails for so long. This year TeachBeyond has 87 new members, which is awesome!

Our president, George Durance, came to speak to us on Thursday, and spoke about how impactful Christian education is and has been and will be in mission work. The world craves good education, seeks it out...what an amazing opportunity and avenue to share Christ! TeachBeyond's ultimate goal is to bring people to Jesus, and as an organization has recognized the incredible effectiveness of transformational education in bringing this about. Schools around the world are asking for help from organizations like TeachBeyond, and the Lord has been opening doors for Christian workers to enter fields that have not always been accessible. Mr. Durance gave a great description of what MK education does for the giving MKs (aka TCKs – Third Culture Kids) a quality education and building them up in their faith, we strengthen the infrastructure of the Kingdom. MKs have a unique set of experiences and skills that allow them to enter different cultures and relate to different peoples on a level that is not easily accomplished by those who do not have the same experiences and skills. God can use anyone, obviously, no matter what they are equipped with or who they are, but I believe that MKs can be a an amazingly effective force in missions. And let's face it, MKs aren't perfect people! They need encouragement, instruction, and to know that Jesus loves them, too. They struggle, just as everyone does, though some of their struggles are different. Being an MK myself, I am happy that I'll be able to relate to them in this way and share what I have learned over the years. So I'm very excited to have this opportunity to work with TeachBeyond at Black Forest Academy to help educate and prepare these kids for Kingdom work! May God be glorified in and through us!

TeachBeyond folks going to Kandern, Germany!
So just a bit more about orientation...we had loads of sessions about culture, TCKs, education, personality differences, calling, transition, finances, IT, etc etc. It was great to get this information and have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers. I think the part that I appreciated the most, though, was the relationship building. We were only together for a week, but we had this bonding experience, and I am so happy to be linked to such a great group of people! It will also be really great to see familiar faces when I arrive in Germany in August. So overall it was a great blessing!

Right now I'm in Alabama with my family and our great friends, the Scroggins. We've known them since I was about 2, and we love to see each other when possible. Spending time on the creek and just lounging around so far. It's just lovely :) On the plane ride over here from Minneapolis I sat next to a woman from Canada. We started talking, and then next thing I knew I was sharing the Gospel with her! That's the first time that has happened to me, and I know I could have done a much much better job, but I thank God for the opportunity and pray that He does the real work in bringing this woman to Him! So like I said, lots of stuff packed into a short period of time! 

Please continue to pray for me as I prepare to leave and develop partnerships in the ministry. Pray that God would prepare my heart and mind for the change and work ahead, that He would prepare my coworkers and the kids and their parents, that He would bring in the funds necessary to go, and that He would bring me closer to Him during the whole process. I'm grateful for your prayers! Here's a praise, too...I learned this week that the numbers I had for my support schedule were a bit off, so I am currently at 100% of start up costs, and 33% of monthly support! Praise Jesus!!! Let me know if you want to learn more about how to give financially. I'd love to hear from you anyway! Fyi, there is now a link on the sidebar to download and print the TeachBeyond pledge form. There is also the online option for giving, but know that there is a Paypal fee taken out for every transaction. Automatic withdrawal is available, as well, you just have to fill in that section of the pledge form. I am so grateful for your generosity and support!  

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

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